Creating Collabsake draft

We unashamedly lay bare that Collabsake dose not exist outside of what you see before you and in the mind of me Troy Stewart. I’m way out of my depth in bringing this to life without enormous an amount of help. I have great faith in the concept and believe that in presenting it in this format is the only means I have at my disposal. By putting it out into the world at large for it’s creation is the very premise of the Community Entity and the goals of Collabsake. This path is how it should be done. I can only hope that I’m able to convey with enough clarity the vision I wish to inspire. I am an optimist and may be wearing rose coloured lenses in the sense I want to believe that people will help me. It will take an enormous amount of effort and I don’t know how it will unfold. Vision is one thing implementation is another. I can only lean on the desire to create a better world. The community entity is the sum of that desire. We can go about our daily lives, go on holidays, buy flashy things but how do we create in this modern world, culture and festivities if there isn’t a common thread of togetherness to combat the decisive nature of individual obtainment. If we can build into the social paradigm a community ethos to create a broad sense of belonging and righteousness we create a base for positive social heath that will compliment the materialistic world we live in. This can only be achieved with trust in the form of a custodian. If we don’t have a sector of society that openly presents it’s self as taking this role then the community entity wont garner the strength to have a successful influence on society.

I’m passionate about the profound change this may bring about and understand the enormity of the challenge and am determined to see it to fruition but I cannot do it alone. It’s by design I seek VTES in creating Collabsake, there are many symbiotic features that so compliment the ambition of the task. I believe there is representation of all that is required to create Collabsake within VTES. It will require VTES to fully embrace the concept and take it on as a project. Hopefully I’m not deluded in the expectations of what I’m asking and you guys can see my vision and choose to lend support.

Most importantly I’d like to make it clear that these actions in creating Collabsake are about the mental health of modern society. I have tried to outline a grand scheme to create the scenario where we remove the hopelessness the average citizen can find themselves in, that the system isn’t working for them or meet their core needs. It’s a hugely ambitious project that provides the means for true community involvement, not just from an individual stand point but entire sections of society. The time is right and all the pieces of the puzzle are there for the picture to emerge, they just need to reach the right people for it gain some impetus. I plead that you share this with your peers and or students that this hits it’s mark so that it doesn’t fall by the way side. Join the forums I’ve set up here discuss it amongest yourselves and me, I certainly will do my best to coordinate and address all that arises. I’d love advise on a next step or encouragement in the vision. Be outrageously optimistic at what can be achieved, I am. Believe Victoria may usher in capitalist democracy 2.0. Unsheathe the capacity of humanity to cooperate. Allow your future self to gloat that you were there in the beginning and played a role in something grand.

I’ll sign off by saying we are in danger of drifting far from our communal roots and somewhere out there is an idea that could bring tremendous joy and substance in bringing us together just waiting to be brought to life. Lets make it a reality. Restore the faith in humanity to work for and with each other and realize the potential of our collaborative nature.

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